by Patrick | Sep 7, 2015 | art, art as language, drawing, Op Art, painting
So much art these days. So much of it derivative, so little advancing, surprising or extending our understanding. So little beauty. When Beardsley grubbed in the darker regions of the human mind he produced drawings of extraordinary power and elegance, beautiful black...
by Patrick | Aug 31, 2015 | art, Design, Environment, Lifestyle, Travel
In recent years there seems to have been a resurgence in pride in creating quintessentially English interiors. At all levels of the hospitality market interior design practices have been producing design solutions that are recognisably within an English tradition....
by Patrick | Aug 6, 2015 | art, art as language, drawing, Environment, Lifestyle, oil, painting, pastels
On June 2nd I wrote about starting work on the honeysuckle images. Now, over 2 months later and physiotherapy completed, I am able to get into the swing of playing with colour and imagery. The gap out of the studio has made it difficult to get the work flowing, but...
by Patrick | Jul 18, 2015 | art, art as language, drawing, Environment, Lifestyle, oil, painting
In the hotel world Mr. Hilton’s strictures that hotels profitability is all about ‘location, location, location’ is probably one of the most quoted. In the world of artists less attention is paid to where the artist is working, unless it obviously impacts their work....
by Patrick | Jul 6, 2015 | art, Environment, Lifestyle
In 2000 I bought my first digital camera, a Sony Mavica. It took images that were 1600 x 1200 pixels and took poor quality video as well as stills. The images were good enough for web publishing in the days when we all had telephone link-ups with their characteristic...
by Patrick | Jun 2, 2015 | art, art as language, drawing, Environment, oil, painting, pastels
It started with sunshine tempting a sojourn on a garden seat surrounded by honeysuckle. I had been watching it coming into bloom, and a couple of day’s sunshine brought it out in full colour. First step always these days is the camera, which I use instead of drawing....
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