by Patrick | Feb 7, 2016 | art, art as language, drawing, Lifestyle, oil, painting, pastels
I first started working with images of geraniums back in the 1970’s, alongside paintings using tulips, crocosmia, honeysuckle and lupins, all of which were grown in my own garden. Moving to Seaford a few years ago introduced me to a different type of geranium, and...
by Patrick | Jan 27, 2016 | art, art as language, drawing, Environment, Op Art, painting
As a student in the 1960’s I produced so called ‘Op Art’ paintings and sculpture, and ever since I have been fascinated by the capability of paint on canvas to affect emotions and distort representations of space through the eye. Wikipedia credits Victor Vasarely as...
by Patrick | Jan 21, 2016 | art, drawing, Environment, Lifestyle
In 1871 Chicago had its fire. Mrs O’Leary’s cow kicked over a lantern in the barn. The city was built of timber – not just houses but boardwalks, road blocks, fences – and with the weather tinder dry, four square miles went up in flames as the...
by Patrick | Jan 10, 2016 | Lifestyle
I have agonised over whether to write this piece, but after the interest that the previous piece on cancer has generated, and the continuing interest in my 2013 piece on beating type 2 diabetes, I thought I should share my experience in the hope that it will shed...
by Patrick | Jan 2, 2016 | art, art as language, Environment, Lifestyle
An artist friend of mine spent Christmas in Bangkok. They wrote to me saying: “I could not get over the tension and apocalyptic nature of the street experience I have been sensing in Asia. I started to break down the elements I was reacting to and analyzing my...
by Patrick | Dec 24, 2015 | Uncategorized
There were only half a dozen cars at the barn. The sky was bright on the left, grey and a sullen blue black on the right. I hesitated, wondering whether discretion was the better part of valour, but then lifted the cameras from the car and set off down the track...
by Patrick | Dec 11, 2015 | art, drawing, Op Art, pastels
It has become such a global cliché. Around the world photographs by the thousand capture the glory of earth’s sunsets. I’m no exception to the happy snapper brigade, even though in Seaford the celebrations of this daily event tend to be moderated by cloud, rain, mist...
by Patrick | Nov 24, 2015 | art, drawing, pastels
Seaford continually delights and inspires. I have a walk to get bread, newspaper etc. that takes me up the cliffs and down again along the beach. In December last year I took a series of snapshots of the setting sun, glorying in the outrageous colours (making the...
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