In a Mad World

In a Mad World

The writing was on the wall in Europe long before 1939. Hitler came to power in 1933, the culmination of a series of economic and political catastrophes across Europe. Churchill warned a complacent British political class (aren’t they always?) of the dangers on the...
France is failing in Laon

France is failing in Laon

Grey narrow streets carry the dust of ages. Pale blue skies and sunshine throw shade echoing the dark shadows that are the past of this ancient town. Ghosts walk the street – kings and bishops past are referenced at every turn by buildings that date back to the 12th...
Silly Season in Seaford

Silly Season in Seaford

Blimey, I didn’t expect one photograph to generate this kind of response, but as one person said “it is the silly season”. In my last blog I talked about the impact of the large sensor in the Canon 5Ds. To begin with I went with my thirst for colour and the...
A Waiting Game

A Waiting Game

The exhibition is over, the work either delivered to patrons or stacked in the garage. In the 12 days it was on 400 people came to see the show, and I sold a dozen pieces, including one of the large drawings. Biggest surprise of all was when my partner demanded that...
The Art of Remembrance

The Art of Remembrance

Boris Johnson, the Mayor of London, wants the poppy installation around the Tower of London to remain. Currently, as I write on the 6th November, it has had over 4 million visitors. My images were  taken a week or so back, and the whole work will not be finished...
NYNY WTC remembered

NYNY WTC remembered

Its ironic that having put in new lighting into the studio I have only been able to spend one afternoon in there. I went on a road trip to look at hotels for  which helps to pay the bills for all the renovation and new lighting. Unfortunately I...