by Patrick | Dec 14, 2017 | art, art as language, Design, drawing, Environment, Op Art, painting, pastels, photography
“Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it.” Andy Warhol Almost an everyday activity, my walk along the cliffs. The beauty of landscape views feeds my soul as well as my mind. Everyday the light is different, the colours changing with season. Weather and...
by Patrick | Nov 16, 2017 | art, Design, Lifestyle, photography, Travel, wilderness
My piece on the Bluebell Line evoked not only a past era but also a slew of responses about luxury and trains, especially given the current furore around the competence or otherwise of those running Britain’s railways. Along the coast of Southern England where I now...
by Patrick | Oct 23, 2017 | art, Design, Lifestyle, photography, Travel
As I get older I remember passionate nights from the past. No doubt others have forgotten them, but the memory of the pleasures enjoyed lingers on. I was reminded of one such night in Poland recently. I made many visits to Poland, by car and plane. On this occasion I...
by Patrick | Sep 29, 2017 | Design, Travel, Uncategorized
Becoming a Consultant Many years ago, the UK’s Design Council summoned many the Principals from the largest hospitality interiors practices then extant to a meeting in the Council offices. There the practice leaders were subjected to a harangue on the need for them to...
by Patrick | Sep 26, 2017 | Design, Travel, Uncategorized
Guide to running a Practice Pt 2: Cashflow Forecasting and Studio management Once you have decided to start your own design practice you have taken the first bold step down a road that can lead you to fame and fortune. However, without good management this first bold...
by Patrick | Sep 23, 2017 | Design, Travel, Uncategorized
A Guide to Running a Practice: Part 1 Getting Paid Or what are Professional Fees, and how are they paid? My grandparents on both sides of my family were farmers. It was drummed into me at an early age that money was earned and that the way to earn it was to work hard....
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