by Patrick | Mar 8, 2015 | art, art as language, drawing, oil, painting, pastels
I’ve been playing with cutting up and collaging imagery. I have been using an Albers-like square to explore colour in plants from the garden. Sometimes I have been mixing the mark with imagery directly, not in the sense of filling colour into the image but treating...
by Patrick | Mar 3, 2015 | art, art as language, drawing, Lifestyle, painting, pastels
I rarely drive across a drawbridge. Especially one where the door have to be held back, their ancient bolt heads securing the planks barely an inch either side of the car. All the while martial music played through the loudspeakers. The rutted cobbles made the...
by Patrick | Feb 18, 2015 | art, art as language, drawing, Lifestyle, painting, pastels
The mornings are getting lighter. Those of you who follow me on twitter will be getting my daily images of the mornings here in Sussex. Gradually we are moving away from darkness, and this morning for the first time we moved into rising sun. I should explain that all...
by Patrick | Feb 17, 2015 | art, art as language, drawing, Lifestyle, painting
The British NHS is a bit like flypaper. Once it wraps itself around you there is no escape. Don’t get me wrong – the Health Service saved my life as a child in the 1950’s with an early application of antibiotics, despite my apparently being at death’s door. It...
by Patrick | Feb 9, 2015 | art, art as language, drawing, Lifestyle, oil, painting, pastels
My last blog was on November 7th. Time passes and you may be wondering why the previous rhythm of postings has been disrupted. In that post I commented that the “development of ideas never quite seems to go in straight lines”. Then I was grappling with ideas and...
by Patrick | Nov 22, 2014 | art, art as language, drawing, oil, painting, pastels
In the Renaissance art was read by most people. The visual language artists employed was comprehensible to most. Literacy was limited and usually the written word served those who ruled – primarily the Church and the armed warriors of the aristocracy who protected and...
by Patrick | Nov 17, 2014 | art, art as language, drawing, Environment, painting
Do we see influences in our work in a rear view mirror? Or is it simply that having been through art school the philosophy of art we develop embraces us and colours all our thinking? Are art schools a bit Jesuitical – that ‘give me the boy and I’ll give you the man’...
by Patrick | Nov 7, 2014 | art, Remembrance
Boris Johnson, the Mayor of London, wants the poppy installation around the Tower of London to remain. Currently, as I write on the 6th November, it has had over 4 million visitors. My images were taken a week or so back, and the whole work will not be finished...
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