by Patrick | Dec 1, 2016 | art, art as language, drawing, Lifestyle, painting
Slowly, slowly I am getting back to working in the studio. I am generally an optimist, some have called me a gambler, a risk taker, but that has been my life, and has enabled me to advance both in art and design, and to succeed, fail, succeed again in business. Cancer...
by Patrick | Nov 10, 2016 | art, art as language, drawing, painting
Classic question, isn’t it? Everyone’s response when you say you paint, occasionally bitten off halfway through when the questioner realises the foolishness of asking. “I do flower paintings” is my standard riposte to this question. An answer as misleading as the...
by Patrick | Oct 18, 2016 | art, Lifestyle, painting
It’s just on three months since I had the nephrostomy. Three months with a catheter into my kidney draining wastes into a bag strapped to my leg. Three months of this sploshing as a half full bag of piss moves against my leg as I walk. Three months of this warm damp...
by Patrick | Oct 11, 2016 | art, art as language, Lifestyle, painting, photography
Eighteen months is a long time, in any world not just, as they say, in politics. In the Seaford art world it is bringing changes as the Crypt Gallery becomes a trust, the gallery being leased by the council to a charitable trust formed by the Friends. Eighteen months...
by Patrick | Oct 2, 2016 | art, art as language, drawing, Lifestyle, painting, photography, Remembrance
Autumn is when we begin to wonder why every year Britain is not prepared for winter. Autumn is when trains don’t run because of leaves on the line. Or a low sun in the eyes of the drivers. Or flooded rails. Or fallen trees. Autumn gives frost warnings, and the weather...
by Patrick | Sep 23, 2016 | art, Environment, Lifestyle, painting
It’s been a long road to the studio in Seaford, and time has taken its toll on my body, if not my mind. Testing time through which my art and my lover have sustained me. It has been quite a journey. When I left college I worked as a bar/cellar man for four or five...
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