Hanging About

Hanging About

I rarely drive across a drawbridge. Especially one where the door have to be held back, their ancient bolt heads securing the planks barely an inch either side of the car. All the while martial music played through the loudspeakers. The rutted cobbles made the...
It’s all a Performance

It’s all a Performance

The British NHS is a bit like flypaper. Once it wraps itself around you there is no escape. Don’t get me wrong – the Health Service saved my life as a child in the 1950’s with an early application of antibiotics, despite my apparently being at death’s door. It...
Art is a Language

Art is a Language

In the Renaissance art was read by most people. The visual language artists employed was comprehensible to most. Literacy was limited and usually the written word served those who ruled – primarily the Church and the armed warriors of the aristocracy who protected and...