Fools Gold?

Fools Gold?

They can see that he’s just a fool As he never gives an answer But the fool on the hill Sees the sun going down And the eyes in his head See the world spinning around” There is a large chunk of me in this Beatles song. As a service brat I was always moving,...
Pencils and Paintboxes

Pencils and Paintboxes

As a child I was brought up in Cyprus. In retrospect this profoundly influenced my sense of colour. The colours of the Mediterranean are bleached out by the sun, dominated by Naples Yellow, Terracotta and the almost Cerulean blue of the Mediterranean sky. When the...
Trains and Boats and planes….

Trains and Boats and planes….

There is a song from the seventies echoing around my head – was it Peter, Paul and Mary? Can’t remember but it reminds me that having posted articles about cruise liners and cross channel ferries before, the missing bit about sleep on the move is the...
West Coast Harmonies

West Coast Harmonies

I never really thought of the Beach Boys as anything more than happy harmonics. West Coast surfer sound lacking the depth, emotional and musical, of the Beatles. They reflected the US West Coast in all its frothy entertainment world frivolity. Looking back maybe the...
Diamonds not wardrobes

Diamonds not wardrobes

I thought “Bugger Narnia”. It may have been that for an English child in the early 20th century the darkness of grandma’s wardrobe, the smell of camphor and cedar wood were the harbingers of mystery and adventure. In a miserable damp English autumn...
Landscape into Art

Landscape into Art

A few  years ago there was an exhibition in London’s Serpentine Gallery called ‘Art into Landscape’. From the earliest Renaissance masters through Turner and the Impressionists, to Hockney’s brilliance, the face of our globe has been a source of visual fascination,...
Seeing Seaford as Home

Seeing Seaford as Home

I arrived in Seaford at the beginning of August 2013, attracted by the land and seascape around here. Many years ago I used to live in Brighton (and indeed had my first exhibitions of my paintings there) but its big city provincial brashness didn’t appeal after...