by Patrick | Mar 15, 2020 | art, drawing, Lifestyle, Remembrance, Uncategorized
My local church is St. Leonards. It is in the centre of the town and for many forms the central focus of small-town life, a focus enhanced by its proximity to the railway station and both our doctor’s surgeries. It has a thriving congregation especially at Christmas...
by Patrick | Feb 19, 2020 | art, art as language, education, painting
“Knowing that life is so strange and so uncontrollable, there is no way, and art is impossible, as impossible as living. And yet one lives, and strange things happen, and art also happens, like falling in love.” Alan Davie from the 1958 Wakefield Exhibition Catalogue...
by Patrick | Jan 23, 2020 | art, art as language, education, oil, Op Art, painting, photography
For many years I have been questioned on my retention of the grid in my paintings. I have explained to those interested that the grids represent the control mechanisms that are exercised by the law and bureaucracy of government. It is a parallel with the ‘control...
by Patrick | Dec 17, 2019 | art, art as language, Design, drawing, education, Op Art, painting, pastels, Remembrance, Uncategorized
My Verdun Triptych has now found a new home in a local public school, and there’s a story behind this dating back to the 1970’s. When I complete my degree course I was upset to be handed the application forms for a posts-graduate teaching course. This seemed like a...
by Patrick | Dec 7, 2019 | education, Environment, Lifestyle, Remembrance
As a service brat I found it hard to garner a sense of belonging other than to the nation whose armed forces my father served for 35 years, and which as a result housed the family. Part of service life was the Sunday church service and I followed my father as a...
by Patrick | Nov 19, 2019 | art, Design, education, Environment, Lifestyle, photography, Remembrance, Travel
It’s a wonderful town, we all know that. My first visit, as a young artist and college lecturer, was on Laker’s Skytrain from Manchester, £99 return for the US independence bicentennial celebrations in 1976. I took hundreds of images of skyscrapers and made my money...
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