Time Lapse

Time Lapse

A week ago composer John Kerr wrote: “Just got home from doing my very last concert together with Ron Boots and Harold van der Heijden… so here’s another short excerpt from my album “prelude to a requiem”. release: 16th September on my 70th...
When will they ever Learn?

When will they ever Learn?

I suppose at my advancing age (I’m 72 now) I should be used to the failure of our politicians as much as I am used to my own. Lately, and maybe because I am much more aware as an observer and outsider, the national failures have become more and more intolerable, the...
The Past is Another Country

The Past is Another Country

“The past is a foreign country; they do things differently there”                                                        From the novel by L.P.Hartley: ‘The Go-Between’ 1953 Once upon a time a country almost lost its sense of self. Almost, but in quiet rural corners...
Blast from the Past

Blast from the Past

I’ve been living in Seaford, East Sussex, for over 3 years now, and to my embarrassment I still have boxes in the studio unpacked since moving. Spurred on by a clear out of the garage as a part of a refurbishment of the ground floor of the house, I decided it was time...