Cancer and Honeysuckle

Cancer and Honeysuckle

Have you ever woken on a train at the end of the line, disorientated and not quite knowing what to do next? A period of confusion before realising you are at your destination and need to get off. Being told you have cancer brings the same sense of disorientation and...
France is failing in Laon

France is failing in Laon

Grey narrow streets carry the dust of ages. Pale blue skies and sunshine throw shade echoing the dark shadows that are the past of this ancient town. Ghosts walk the street – kings and bishops past are referenced at every turn by buildings that date back to the 12th...
Learning the Visual Language

Learning the Visual Language

So much art these days. So much of it derivative, so little advancing, surprising or extending our understanding. So little beauty. When Beardsley grubbed in the darker regions of the human mind he produced drawings of extraordinary power and elegance, beautiful black...
Walking Wounded

Walking Wounded

Recently I had dinner with a designer becoming exhausted with the stress of running a large (and very successful) practice. Disillusioned with client relations they were coming to terms with the designer as the elite of the servant classes, rather than being a member...